Brake Caliper spray paint Pintyplus Auto - Brake Caliper spray paint Pintyplus Auto

Brake Caliper spray paint Pintyplus Auto

Provides the level of anchoring and heat resistance that your car needs. Resistant to 180 ºC

Pintyplus brake caliper spray paint provides the level of anchoring and heat resistance your car needs. Available in three colors: red, green and blue.


Applications for Brake Caliper spray paint

Ideal to paint cars and motorcycles brake calipers.

Technical characteristics

  • Sizes 520ml and 400ml.
  • Yield = 2 m2.
  • To the touch time in 2 hours.
  • Full dry in 4 hours.
  • Repainted before 1 hour or after 5 days.
  • Heat resistance 180 Cº.
  • Gloss finish.
  • High adherence and flexibility.
  • For indoors and outdoors.

How to use the paint for Brake Calipers

To paint brake clippers with our aerosol, there is a method that we are pleased to recommend you to get a satisfactory result.

First of all, we suggest you to clean the clippers from dirtiness and grease (we propose Pintyplus Brake Cleaner which was designed especially to reach all the corners).

In painted surfaces, a light sanding is necessary to prepare and smooth the area in order to improve adhesion. If the previous paint is in a poor state, it will have to be removed. In that case, we recommend to dismantle and strip the paint with  Tech stripping spray which you can also find in this wide aerosol family or another similar one and clean them with Pintyplus brake cleaner before painting again.

In case you are able to remove the calipers to polish them, much better. Otherwise, do not worry because you can cover the area that is not going to be painted with masking tape, plastic, paper or aluminum foil. Make sure the paint won t go to seep underneath.

Recommendations for the use of Pintyplus Brake Caliper spray

Shake the can vigorously during 1 minute while the mixing balls sound. Once you finish shaking,  spray thin layers until full coverage. You can repeat the process only within the first 60 minutes or else, you will have to do it after a few days. This is due to the paint features since it requires a slow dry to resist tension and calipers heat.

We recommend thin layers instead of thick to avoid overloading the caliper.

After use clean the nozzle by turning the aerosol upside down and spray until gas only will emerge

The brake caliper spray paint is ideal as a complement to the Pintyplus rim paint to give back your wheels their original shine.

Apply in ventilated areas.

Once empty, the can should be deposited in the yellow container.






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