Eigenmarke - Private label


The private label service allows you to have your own brand of aerosol products. Among other things, it increases the ways of use of your own products, making your business more profitable. Therefore, it is the optimal complement to any catalog, which does not detract from sales from your current products but extends it.


Advantages of an aerosol

  • The product cannot be contaminated. Thanks to the constant pressure towards the exterior, it prevents the entry of germs or bacteria that may affect its state.
  • It is very fast. Take the lid off, press the nozzle and put the lid back on.
  • You can apply it on any surface or medium.
  • With the aerosol, you control the dosage in terms of application time, area of application and quantity of product so no product is wasted.

Would you like to widen your own range with aerosol products?

Including a range of aerosol products in the catalog allows you to increase cross-selling options and meet the needs of a wider audience. The private label service is your best option.

We put the "Private Label" at the service of your ideas

We put to your disposal our extensive experience in developing aerosol products. Whether you have the product or you do not have it, our laboratory will ensure that your product will be compatible with this technology. Any formula must be adapted to solubilize it in a medium that is under constant pressure, the product has to be expelled to the exterior without obstructing the interior parts and maintaining the properties without compromising its useful life or function, etc. After a period of stability, we use a method of accelerating the aging of the product and only then, we can guarantee its useful life so that you can put it on the market without any problem.

What type of products can we manufacture?

Any chemical product that is not considered cosmetic, pharmaceutical or biocidal.


Contact us at privatelabel@novasolspray.com and tell us about your project. We will help you to develop your product with absolute confidentiality. We want to be your partner.



Dejvická 28/267
160 00 PRAG 6

IČO: 02768071

TELEFON: +420 608 100 239


E-MAIL: info@novasolspray.de
WEB: www.novasolspray.de

